Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting out of the Slump

2008 Figure Olympia Top 6

To be completely honest with you (and to myself), I haven't been dedicated to my workouts for quite sometime now...almost 4 years to be exact (and 15 lbs later). Bench pressing, squatting 135 and leg pressing 400 lbs are now a distant memory. Long gone are the days when I used to spend 3-4 hours a day at the gym sweating until I'm ready to hurl and pass out. Where on earth did my motivation go? Of course I can justify some of the reasons like job promotion, a side career, and responsibilities with family. I guess I can keep dreaming about my old self, but that's not gonna get me back in shape so I think it's time for me to get out of the rut and draw up a plan as to how I will get there again. Obviously my number one goal is to drop the unwanted excess weight I have accumulated over time. Once I lose it....then what?! My desire to compete is still there (somewhere up there). I just feel like I need to aim for an ultimate goal and competing in figure is just that. At this point I can't quite decide yet since I have so much going on (and something always come up). I guess I'll have to give it a little more time and come up with a decision...maybe once I get past the unwanted excess weight and see what shape and mindset I'll be in then. All I know is I'm not looking forward to eating countless eggwhites, oatmeal, and chicken breast! Oh and not to mention countless hours of cardio.

1 comment:

  1. Which one is you? Amazing, well oatmeal and egg whites I can do, the countless hours of cardio I'm not too sure about!
